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Dogs’ eating behaviours are one of the most fascinating aspects to observe in our pets and something that makes your pet unique. Some dogs simply run to their food when it is put down and chow down, while others have intricate eating rituals. Some prefer to eat alone, while others prefer your presence. We have seen dogs that will only eat outdoors or only in a specific corner of a room. The most important thing you can do is to provide them an eating atmosphere that they’re comfortable in, and of course, provide a diet that is natural and healthy for them!

One of the questions we get the most frequently about dog eating behaviour is about a dog “gulping” their food. This type of behaviour can be unsettling for an owner, especially if they’re used to hearing their dog munching on processed, dehydrated kibble.


Unlike humans, dogs do not have the ability to move their jaws laterally. This means they are actually not designed to chew their food. Their teeth are adapted to crush and slice food into a manageable size for swallowing. So don’t expect your dog to chew a chicken neck until it is broken down into small pieces before swallowing. Depending on the size of your dog, they may swallow a chicken neck whole or crunch it only once before swallowing. This is normal.

If on the other hand, your dog tries to swallow a large piece such as a leg quarter without chewing, this is not normal. If this is happening, ensure your pet is not concerned that his food is in jeopardy from another dog or person and allow them privacy while eating.


“Gulping” behaviour is one of the reasons we recommend commercially available raw pet food diets, like Iron Will Raw, because they offer food that is pre-ground. You won’t have to worry about your dog swallowing a piece that needed to be crunched a little bit in order to fit into their digestive tract.

If your pet’s eating behaviours still concern you, contact us today. We can help explain more about eating behaviours and offer some tips to slow down their eating if the speed at which they eat is a concern to you. As we said, every dog is unique, but no matter “how” they eat, the most important thing is “what” they eat: a natural diet of fresh meat, raw meaty bones and vegetables.

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