But, no matter how many times a day you’re feeding your dog a raw meal, or how many proteins they’re eating, or what time of day they’re eating, their meals are likely not all they’re consuming. Whether you’re training, rewarding good behaviour or simply can’t deny those begging eyes, treats and bones are likely a part of your dog’s diet.
Here’s what you need to know about feeding natural dog treats and bones.
While feeding your dog a raw meat diet is the most important step you can take for improving their health, feeding natural, healthy treats is important too. If you are not feeding natural, single ingredient treats, your dog will still be healthier than a dog eating highly-processed kibble. But why feed naturally for meals than treat them with unhealthy snacks? Single ingredient, natural dog treats and dog bones are a great source of protein and nutrients. And your dog will love them!
It is a good idea to have a reason for feeding your dog treats, whether as part of training or part of their regular diet. If you’re treating randomly or at varying levels week by week, it may negatively impact your dog’s diet. Regular raw meaty bones (or RMBs) are great for a dog’s diet and has oral health benefits too, but overfeeding these can have a negative impact on their jaw health. It is not only important to know WHAT you’re treating your pet with, but WHY and WHEN too.
Raw Meaty Bones are among the most popular items for dogs, but they aren’t the only supplementary healthy dog treats. At Iron Will Raw, we sell three sizes of beef marrow bones, beef neck and beef knuckle bones, beef tendons, chicken backs and chicken, turkey and duck necks. This variety allows you to choose the right type of treat or bone based on your dog’s size, chewing habits and dietary needs.
Contact us if you’d like to know more about which type of these natural dog treats to feed. We always recommend observing your dog while they’re eating to see whether they’re a heavy chewer, light chewer, fast eater, slower eater or other characteristics which may inform the type of treats you should be feeding.
If you’re feeding raw, you’ve likely taken an educated interest in your dog’s diet. That’s great! Healthy foods for dogs shouldn’t just be given at meal time though. Natural dog treats in addition to raw meat meals will help keep your dog healthy and improve their overall wellbeing. No matter what pet food brands you’re treating with, it is important to take interest in their products and understand what it is your dog is consuming. You can see our entire menu of raw meaty bones and other treats here.